
Perina secures CM3 qualification

Perina secures CM3 qualification 1000 667 perinagroupptyltd

Perina Group last month sought CM3 certification to provide its client’s with the confidence that we have OHS/WHS systems and processes for working safely.

We successfully obtained CM3 (Contractor Management Version 3) certification, a web-based WHS pre-qualification system, developed to demonstrate health and safety capabilities. CM3 prequalification includes checking insurance coverage as well as a comprehensive assessment of safety systems.

Why CM3 accreditation matters

CM3 certification helps prove that we have robust health and safety management capabilities in place. It’s a common practice in the commercial and industrial mat industry to outsource product installation to a third-party but we prefer to maintain installation as an in-house service. This means that we control the quality and safety of the of our staff and services.

At Perina Group we believe that it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that contractors and the suppliers they use should comply with WHS standards. Because it’s the right thing to do – but also in many cases it is required by law. We’ve always run our business this way and the CM3 accreditation is confirmation of our focus on safety.

We are able to give our customers the assurance that we comply with all WHS requirements because we employ our technicians directly and train them fully.